
Welcome to
Coastal Chiropractic Health!

The population of people who suffer from obesity continues to grow.  As a result, the number of people suffering from diseases associated with obesity has escalated.  Such diseases include Type II Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Heart Disease, Stroke, Sleep Apnea, Gout, Gallstones, Arthritis, and even Cancer!  Obesity also plays a psychological part on how you look and feel, which can adversely affects your overall health as well.

First, it is important to understand how our physical size and weight is evaluated.  There are a couple of ways to determine if you are in the "low" range(can be both healthy and unhealthy) , "normal" range(healthy) , or overweight to obese range(unhealthy) .  One method of evaluation is known as your body mass index (BMI).  Your BMI is based solely on the ratio of your height versus your weight. 

BMI, however, it not always accurate in creating a good picture of how healthy you are based on your size, due to the weight differences between fat and muscle.  A more accurate measurement of your health risk for obesity is your body fat percentage .  There are several tools used for testing body fat percentages.  All of them focus of measuring how much of your body is made-up of fat and how much consists of muscle.  They also take your height and weight into account, but can create better ranges based on your age and gender, as seen in the chart below.

  20-39 5-20% 21-33% 34-38% >38%
FEMALE 40-59 5-22% 23-34% 35-40% >40%
  60-79 5-23% 24-36% 37-41% >41%
  20-39 5-7% 8-20% 21-25% >25%
MALE 40-59 5-10% 11-21% 22-27% >27%
  60-79 5-12% 13-25% 26-30% >30%

Coastal Chiropractic Health joins the Wareham YMCA for complimentary body fat testing and tracking!

First testing date is April 8, 2006 from 1-5pm during the Healthy Kids Workshop.  Check back for future dates!

Provides the most recent information on foods, nutrtion, and health

Did you know that for every extra 3500 calories you take in, 1 pound is gained? This site provides excellent information on calories along with calculators to determine your daily calorie consumption, daily calorie expenditure, and what you need to do to lose, maintain, or gain weight.  It includes the caloric content for many of the fast food restaurants as well.